
Two approaches to test eager loading

Jul 11, 2014

We’ve been updating some queries in Supermarket to take advantage of ActiveRecord’s eager loading. In talking with Brett about the when, why, and how of eager loading, I wrote a gist of two ways one can write tests around eager loading (it is a change in behavior, after all). This post will borrow from that gist and expand upon the motivation to use either.

As an aside, if you’re not familiar, eager loading means that instead of just fetching, say, a list of Posts, and then fetching each Post’s author individually whenever we need to display the post’s author, we fetch a list of Posts and each Post’s author and associate the results appropriately all in one shot. The term “N+1 bug” refers to the first behavior, where if our original query returns N posts, and we work with each post’s author, then for each post we would issue one additional query: a total of N+1 queries. If we instead eager load authors, we only issue 2 queries.

The first approach is a direct test. Recall from the aside: when we don’t eager load Authors, we issue one query per post author. That is:

posts = Post.all.to_a # one query, returns an array of Posts
posts[0].author # one query, returns an Author if it exists, nil otherwise
posts[1].author # one query, returns an Author if it exists, nil otherwise
# etc

One can imagine a parallel, cruel universe where Author records are frequently deleted without warning, causing our posts[i].author lines above to sometimes (and unexpectedly) return nil. As programmers, we can create a facsimile of such a universe, and use it to verify that we’ve eager loaded authors:

posts = Post.includes(:author).all.to_a # the includes is the secret sauce

Author.delete_all # evil is afoot!

posts[0].author # no query, returns an Author if it existed for eager loading, nil otherwise
posts[1].author # no query, returns an Author if it existed for eager loading, nil otherwise

An actual test might look something like this:

it 'eager loads authors' do
  2.times do
    Post.create!(author: Author.create!)

  posts = Post.scope_which_eager_loads_authors.to_a


  expect(posts.all?(&:author)).to be_true

To me, a test like this implies that we’re eager loading because we care about determinism. Whether or not a given post in posts has an author is determined when we retrieve the list of posts. That is, the motivation for eager loading is because we want our code to behave deterministically given some state of the universe, and we write our test to reflect as much.

A different motivation for eager loading records is for performance. Generally speaking, it is at least an order of magnitude slower to issue N queries for one row than it is to return N rows with a single query (there are, of course, exceptions). The example given above is also a canonical example of when eager loading improves performance, and we can write a test that guides the reader to this conclusion:

it 'eager loads authors to improve performance' do
  10.times do
    Post.create!(author: Author.create!)

  eager_loaded = Post.scope_which_eager_loads_authors.to_a
  lazy_loaded = Post.all.to_a

  eager_loaded_duration = Benchmark.realtime do

  lazy_loaded_duration = Benchmark.realtime do

  # eager loading should be an order of magnitude faster than lazy loading
  expect((eager_loaded_duration * 10) < lazy_loaded_duration).to be_true

Using one or both of these approaches helps to communicate the original motivation for introducing eager loading, and protects future programmers from accidentally introducing a regression.

This post is a flapjack, which means I originally wrote it for the internal FullStack blog and have republished it here. Any mysterious, unexplained context was probably obvious to the team at the time.